Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Favourite class

In this seccion I going to say about of Physiology, because in the third term of university it is the one that has more relation with this carrer specially how organism functions,and this class I consider the base for understand the medicine. The first place I like this lesson because is interesting how occur the metabolic process when our eat or altitude change. furthermore serves for understand not only the animal how dogs, cats, horses, etc. But also ourselves and this is very important as gives the tools for help the other(humans or animals) in case the some complication how fiting or can understand when the human medical prescripted the amount of salt in hypertensive or hipotensive persons. And the second important reason is because we have a practices that are very impressive, how the last monday(05/23/2011) the teacher Dr Raggi showed us a frog`s heart functioning out of the body. So, Physiology is very exciting because without this, not medicine.


  1. was very good practice with the heart of frog, but I would have liked a closer look because it was too small

  2. In this seccion I ^ going to say about of Physiology, because in the third term of university it is the one that has more relation with this carrer specially how organism functions,and this class I consider the base for WF understand the medicine. ^ The first place I like this lesson because is interesting how occurWO the metabolic process when our WF eat or altitude change. furthermore^ serves for WF understand not only the animal how dogs, cats, horses, etc. But also ourselves and this is very important as gives the tools for WF help the other(humans or animals) in case the some complication how fiting or can understand when the human medical prescripted the amount of salt in hypertensive or hipotensive persons. And the second important reason is because we have a WF practices that are very impressive, how the last monday(05/23/2011) the teacher Dr Raggi showed us a frog`s heart functioning out of the body. So, Physiology is very exciting because without this, not medicine.

    well done! a heart out of the body really? impressive!
